1. It's a definitely a prequel:-
A standout amongst the most amazing things about Red Dead Redemption was the means by which it worked as a funeral poem for the wild west; towards the climax, when cars begin to pootle around Blackwater, you felt a tangible feeling of misfortune for a diminishing lifestyle. An ordered spin-off would be set in a totally different world, so it bodes well that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel, loaded with all the cowboy tropes you could ever ask for. Some have recommended that it'll be set in 1906, five years before the last game.2. The main character is Arthur Morgan:-
This much we know; players will control Arthur Morgan, and Arthur Morgan is a hoodlum. He's a piece of the Van Der Linde gang, the same gang that once counted John Marston among its ranks. As per Rockstar, we'll take after the gang "as they burglarize, fight and steal their way over the tremendous and rugged heart of America keeping in mind the end goal to survive". This is the reason the 1906 bits of gossip is prevalent to the point; that is the year the gang messed up a theft and left Marston for dead. but even if this is not the case, Morgan appears like a rotten egg. He's a thug and a harasser, debilitating to slaughter a young fellow just to keep their widowed mother in mourning. He plays out his obligations with an unsettled look of merriment on his face. Apparently, this is the man who'll find redemption along the way. But he seems like such a lost cause that it’ll be a long road back.
3. Dutch is the bad guy again:-
The Van Der Linde pack would be nothing without its leader Dutch van der Linde, who pops up towards the end of the trailer. On the off chance that this is a prequel – and I assume this, in fact, considers a spoiler – it implies he'll certainly survive this game. He's as yet a vile bit of work, however, demanding loyalty from Morgan so distinctly that it seems likely he won't get it.

4. The world is bigger:-
“We got lawmen in three different states after us,” Morgan says over a shot of the gang riding through the snow. “They chased us from the west, they chased us over the mountains.” This line evidently affirms bits of gossip about an extraordinarily expanded map this time around. Could Red Dead Redemption 2 happen more than three entire states? Assuming this is the case, this will be awesome news for fans of long, event-free steed rides that happen over huge distances with next to zero interruption.5. There are alligators along bears now:-
Everybody who at any point played Red Dead Redemption has a story about a bear reeling in out of the blue and Revenanting them to death only for its unimportant purpose. The terrible news is that the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer pretty thoroughly reintroduces bears in with the general mish-mash. The awful news is that there are presently crocodiles too, which will likely sway in out of the blue and Lake Placid you to death only for its trivial purpose on the off chance that you happen to go anyplace close water. We should simply acknowledge this now and proceed onward. Animals are stupid.6. There will be arrows and maybe dual wielding also:-
Fans of the Red Dead series have long been requesting bows and arrows to play with; they were present in Red Dead Revolver, but not Red Dead Redemption. But right there in the trailer, plain as day, is Arthur firing an arrow at a deer. This could mean we will have arrows in RDR2.Twitter is going frantic with fervor over the shots of Morgan dual wielding like a latter Harvey Keitel. SO there might be dual wielding in RDR2.
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